Saturday, December 4, 2010

Janardhana Swami Temple

The Diety of this temple is Sri Janardhana Swami.the diety is found in standing position facing his face towards east.His right hand in position as if he is performing Aachamanam.His right hand is raised towards his mouth and legends says that when his hand touches his mouth world will come to an end.


Saga Nerada after paying his respect to Sri Narayana(Vishnu) left Vaikuntam to see Brahma.Enraptured by the sweet music of Narada,Vishnu followed him unobserved .When Narada reached Brahmaloka Brahma saw Vishnu following his son Narada and offered salutations to him ,at which Vishnu,realizing the awkward situation,suddenly disappeared.Brahma found that the person whon he had revered was his son Narada.

The Prajapathis who were laughing at this incident were curses by Brahma that they would be born on earth ans suffer the miseries of human beings.Narada advised them to perform penance at the place he himself would select for them.Narada threw his “Valkalam”(bark upper garmet) into the air and at the place where it fell down,they consecrated a temple for Sri Krishna an incarnation of Vishnu.Hence name Varkala is a corruption of Valkala.

It is the only shrine dedicated to Vishnu in the name of Janardhana in this part of country.Normally all such temples are known as Krishna temples.In the south west corner and north eastern side of outer enclosure are the shrines of sastha ,Shiva ,naga and nandi

Holding the idol the head elephant with other caparisoned elephants step down to join the colourful procession.This sight of stepping down adds to the charm

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